What is Hosted PBX, Cloud PBX, Virtual PBX and Hosted Telephony?
It’s easy to get lost in the abundance of jargon around PBX, but all you really need to know is that all of the above refers to using your internet connection for all of your usual phone services rather than a traditional phone line.
What are the benefits of Hosted PBX?
Is Hosted/Cloud PBX for small or big businesses?
Both! There’s a common misconception that an SME may not need to put the same emphasis on their telephony infrastructure as a bigger business, but this just isn’t the case. Using Cloud PBX is flexible, time-saving and inexpensive. It’s also a great option for start-ups as it can expand with your business.
PBX Handsets
At Apex Cloud Telephony, we want to provide you with the best. We truly believe that Yealink offers the best handsets and accessories at the best price point. In fact, we’re so convinced that you can’t beat them, we exclusively stock Yealink hardware.